STEM Bicycle Parking Lot

STEM Bicycle Parking Lot : Explanation of Design Rubric       DUE: FRIDAY, MAY 9TH (rough draft)

Part of your project is to write an explanation of your design. The explanation should be 5 paragraphs in length. It can be typed on the computer or hand-written. Your explanation will be graded on the following:

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Use of critical and creative thinking
(e.g. analyzing needs of the bicycle parking lots, making decisions about and creating plans for their parking structure)
-uses critical/creative thinking processes, skills, and strategies with limited effectiveness
-uses critical/creative thinking processes, skills, and strategies with some effectiveness
-uses critical/creative thinking processes, skills, and strategies with considerable effectiveness
-uses critical/creative thinking processes, skills, and strategies with high degree of effectiveness
Expression of organization of ideas an information
(e.g. clear expression: oral, written, diagram, model)
-expresses and organizes ideas and information with limited effectiveness
-expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness
-expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness
-expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness
Making connections between science, technology, society and the environment
(e.g. assessing the impact of science and technology on people, other living things, and the urban environment)
-make connections between science, technology, society, and the environment with limited effectiveness
-make connections between science, technology, society, and the environment with some effectiveness
-make connections between science, technology, society, and the environment with considerable effectiveness
-make connections between science, technology, society, and the environment with a high degree of  effectiveness

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