Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Parent Teacher Interviews


1.) Math
-pg. 233 #1-2

2.) Language
-write second draft of "uniforms" persuasive writing due tomorrow
-you should have 5 paragraphs (5-7 sentences EACH paragraph)
-your published piece (after we have edited our second draft) will be marked and posted on the bulletin board in the hall

3.) Read
-all of "Kaspar Snit" 
-if you are finished reading the book, begin writing your book report

4.) Science
-prepare for the gallery walk tomorrow (just with our class)
-have the following questions prepared: 
1.) What is the function of your organ system/Model Student project?
2.) How does it effect other organ systems?
3.) Describe your design and plan.
4.) Explain the physical activities that keep your organ system healthy. 


*We discussed everyday real-life examples of math vocabulary (translation, reflection, rotation) and realized that math is all around is! 
*We prepared our science projects for the gallery walk tomorrow.
*We watched more flash mob dances and began organizing our own dances. 

***Please note: Parent-Teacher interview forms have gone out today, please indicate your preference so we can meet on either Feb. 12 (Wed) or Feb. 13 (Thurs) in the evening.***

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