Thursday, 6 February 2014

Field Trip Tomorrow!


1.) Math
-blended learning: watch the videos and do the activities under "Transformation-Reflections"  in the Geometry post
-do the assignment (hand-out will be given tomorrow) due Mon

2.) Language
-final copy of "uniforms" due Mon
-type it on the computer or hand write it

3.) Language
-write a persuasive letter to me convincing me to take you to meet DeMar DeRozan on Tues or another celebrity/destination (ie. Justin Beiber or LegoLand)
-use the checklist and list of power words to make your writing persuasive!
-due Mon

4.) Science
-in your journal: write TWO PAGES (double-sided and single-spaced) about the interesting things you have learned on the trip to the Science Center 
-due Mon

5.) Book Report of "Kaspar Snit"
-due tomorrow!

*We had a gallery walk of our Model Students project this afternoon.
*We watched a video learning to draw transformations on a grid. 
*We discussed trip expectations. 

***Please remember for our trip: bring your lunch, money will only be allowed to be spent on the vending machines- NOT at the gift shop, dress warmly, come to school on-time! ***

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