Friday, 28 February 2014



1.) Math
-complete the "Polygon and Quadrilateral" sheet
-quiz on Monday!

2.) Journal
-write 2 pages (double-sided/single-spaced)
-use the journal topics to inspire you
-OR write about what you feel we should talk about at our next Restorative Circle

3.) Health
-bring TWO nutritional value charts (on products like chips, yogurt, dip, cheese, milk, pop) so we can compare the sodium and sugar content 
-due on Tuesday

4.) Snack Donations
-ask your parents for donations to help fund our snack and lunch programs 


*We organized our binders and desks.
*We watched the Black History Month assembly.
*Some of us performed our group dances in the afternoon.
*We chose our new table groups. 

***Reminder: Junior Co-ed Volleyball TRY-OUTS......Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs at 8am!!!****

Wednesday, 26 February 2014



1.) Math
-complete the worksheet given today
-go to our Blended Learning website
-click on Activity 5 "Polygons and Quadrilaterals"
-watch the videos to help you answer the questions on your worksheet
-due Fri.

2.) Vocabulary
-write the definitions for the 10 new words you found yesterday
-record the new words in your Word Book 

3.) Book Report/Letter to Ms. Mok
-continue reading "Star Academy" and begin writing your book report/letter to me
-due Fri.

4.) Dance
-practice your dance at home 


*We played a game to practice the names of different polygons and quadrilaterals in math.
*We researched and learned more about prominent Black Canadians (and Americans) on the iPads. 
*We are finalizing our dance routines for our performance at the end of the week. 
*We wore PINK to support anti-bullying today!

Monday, 24 February 2014

Ms. Mok at a workshop tomorrow (Tues.)


1.) Math
-follow instructions on handout given today (half-sheet with triangles)
-cut and sort the triangles, then glue into your notebook describing their attributes

2.) Black History Month
-research (see Fri.'s post for details)
-due tomorrow

3.) Read
-"Star Academy"


*We reviewed various ways to describe attributes of polygons. 
*We discussed the impact of adding a counter-argument in our persuasive writing. 
*We practiced our dances (which will be evaluated this week).

Friday, 21 February 2014



1.) Journal
-choose ONE topic to write about (see the "Journal Topics" tab above if you have lost the list) OR you can write about the Olympics
-write at least TWO pages (single-spaced and one-sided) in your journal OR typed (250 words)

2.) Math
-practice making transformations by playing this game online

3.) Black History Month
-research ONE famous Black Canadian (or another country)
-write about his/her contribution to history
-check out this list of Prominent Black Canadians:
-check out the government of Canada's Black History Month website for more information:
-due on Tues.

4.) Science
-some students who have not yet written their final science spelling test will be writing their test on Monday (if you have received your spelling test back this week you do not have to write this test again)


*We had a math challenge drawing reflections.
*We began new persuasive letters convincing Ms. Mok to throw more celebrations as a motivation for us to work harder as students and as a class. 
*We played an astronomy trivia game to introduce our new book of the week "Star Academy".
*We were given classroom awards as well as certificates as the awards ceremony. Congratulations to everyone for their hard work! 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Awards Assembly tomorrow


1.) Read "Ghost of Stanley Cup"
-finish book report/letter to Ms. Mok (due tomorrow)

2.) Math
-watch video: "Reflections"
-answer the following questions in your math notebook (one paragraph each):
              1.) Describe how to reflect a shape.
              2.) How can you check if it is correctly reflected? 


*We made a game with geoboards today practicing how to describe translations.
*We discussed how to "bump-up" our mark with persuasive writing. 
*We practiced our dances in the afternoon.
*We will be having an awards assembly tomorrow (last period of the day).

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Online Practice


1.) Math
-finish worksheet from this morning on "translations" (it will be graded tomorrow) 

2.) Spelling
-finish making corrections (health problems section)

3.) Read "The Ghost of the Stanley Cup"
-book report/letter to Ms. Mok (due Fri.)
-use the Reader's Notebook handout and today's letter samples handout to help you


*We are improving with describing and drawing translations. For more practice visit this website:
*We discussed and evaluated sample Reader's Notebook letters.
*We practiced and added to our group dances in gym class which will be evaluated on Monday! 

Tuesday, 18 February 2014



1.) Spelling:
-make corrections (write misspelled words 10X each)
-complete "health problems" section of your spelling test if you did not get full marks

2.) Math
-see video "Translations-slides":
-in your math notebook answer the following questions (1 paragraph each):
        i.) Describe how to translate a shape.
        ii.) How can you check your work? How do you know a shape has been translated            correctly?

3.) Dance:
-practice your dances and choose a song 


*We introduced how to write a meaningful response in our Reader's Notebook. 
*We practiced our dances in the afternoon with our groups. 

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Valentine's Dance tomorrow!


1.) Math
-worksheet (both sides)

2.) Health
-research 5 activities to keep you healthy
-ones that we have not yet discussed 
-write on a separate piece of paper

3.) Read the new book "The Ghost of Stanley Cup" 
     or finish book report "Winn-Dixie"


*We had a health lesson on stress management, and way to keep healthy hearts, minds, and bodies with nurses (Ms. Maria and Mr. Alpie).
*We read in partners to finish "Because of Winn-Dixie". 
*We told ghost stories to introduce the new book of the week "The Ghost of Stanley Cup".
*We practiced our group dances. 

***Valentine's Dance tomorrow 2:30-3:30pm: Wear pink, red, or white and bring 50cents. It's going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!****

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Valentine's Dance


1.) Dance
-research flash mob dance moves on YouTube to use for your dance

2.) Read "Winn-Dixie"
-write 3 paragraphs for the book report 

3.) Math
-finish drawing rotation drawings (1/4 turn, 1/2 turn, 3/4 turn)

4.) Persuasive letter (if you have not already handed it in)

*Stephanie and Chrispin shared their experience being at the press conference.
*We practiced making rotations in math. 
*We wrote another reading test. 
*We practiced our group dances in gym.
*There will be a junior Valentine's day dance on Friday! Wear red, white, pink! Bring 50 cents.

***Parents: if you are interested to know the letter grade/percentage equivalence please see the tab at the top of the blog "Report Cards"***

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Report Cards


1.) Language
-Now that you have read your report card, answer the following reflection questions in your journal:
                a.) Which subjects are your most proud of? Why?
                b.) Which subjects can you improve on? Why?
                c.) What is your plan to make improvements in your work and learning skills? 
-the reflection should be at least one page single-spaced. 

2.) Read

*We had a mini-restorative circle about our feelings (nervousness and excitement) over the report cards.
*We added new vocabulary to our Word Books.
*We had a double-music period in the afternoon. 
*We got our report cards! 

***Remind your parents to schedule an interview with Ms. Mok if an interview has not already been set up. Available times are this Thursday from 3:45-5:30 pm.***

Monday, 10 February 2014

Flash Mob Dancing


1.) Math
-pg. 233 #3 

2.) Language
-persuasive letter (about meeting a celebrity or going somewhere you want to be!)

3.) Parent Interviews
-if your parents would like to meet with me, have them choose a time to meet on 
Thurs. Feb. 13 from 3:45-6:45 pm (15 min interviews)

4.) Read "Winn-Dixie"
-up to chapter 6


*We watched different examples of flash mobs and choreographed our own dances.
*We discussed the addictive effects of smoking. 
*We announced the winners of the DeRozan press conference tomorrow: Stephanie and Chrispin! Congratulations! 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Field Trip Tomorrow!


1.) Math
-blended learning: watch the videos and do the activities under "Transformation-Reflections"  in the Geometry post
-do the assignment (hand-out will be given tomorrow) due Mon

2.) Language
-final copy of "uniforms" due Mon
-type it on the computer or hand write it

3.) Language
-write a persuasive letter to me convincing me to take you to meet DeMar DeRozan on Tues or another celebrity/destination (ie. Justin Beiber or LegoLand)
-use the checklist and list of power words to make your writing persuasive!
-due Mon

4.) Science
-in your journal: write TWO PAGES (double-sided and single-spaced) about the interesting things you have learned on the trip to the Science Center 
-due Mon

5.) Book Report of "Kaspar Snit"
-due tomorrow!

*We had a gallery walk of our Model Students project this afternoon.
*We watched a video learning to draw transformations on a grid. 
*We discussed trip expectations. 

***Please remember for our trip: bring your lunch, money will only be allowed to be spent on the vending machines- NOT at the gift shop, dress warmly, come to school on-time! ***

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Parent Teacher Interviews


1.) Math
-pg. 233 #1-2

2.) Language
-write second draft of "uniforms" persuasive writing due tomorrow
-you should have 5 paragraphs (5-7 sentences EACH paragraph)
-your published piece (after we have edited our second draft) will be marked and posted on the bulletin board in the hall

3.) Read
-all of "Kaspar Snit" 
-if you are finished reading the book, begin writing your book report

4.) Science
-prepare for the gallery walk tomorrow (just with our class)
-have the following questions prepared: 
1.) What is the function of your organ system/Model Student project?
2.) How does it effect other organ systems?
3.) Describe your design and plan.
4.) Explain the physical activities that keep your organ system healthy. 


*We discussed everyday real-life examples of math vocabulary (translation, reflection, rotation) and realized that math is all around is! 
*We prepared our science projects for the gallery walk tomorrow.
*We watched more flash mob dances and began organizing our own dances. 

***Please note: Parent-Teacher interview forms have gone out today, please indicate your preference so we can meet on either Feb. 12 (Wed) or Feb. 13 (Thurs) in the evening.***

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Gallery Walk


1.) Math
-complete questions (be prepared to do "Show and Share" tomorrow) on pg. 231
-describe real-life examples of: a translation, reflection, and rotation in your math notebook

2.) Language
-be prepared to have your second draft of "Uniforms" persuasive writing piece peer edited tomorrow 

3.) Read
-read to at least chapter 8  of "The Fortress of Kaspar Snit" 


*We presented our science projects and will prepare short lectures for the gallery walk with Mr. Marks' class on Thursday. 
*We will be presenting choreographed dances in gym.

***All trip forms and money are due tomorrow (Wednesday) if you wish to come on the trip. We need two more parent volunteers, please let me know if you can help out!***

Monday, 3 February 2014

Model Student Project


1.) Math
-blended learning "assignment 2"
-scroll down on the "Geometry" post from today to find "Coordinate Systems" 
-click on the "assignment" tab to find the questions

2.) Language
-write out/type out draft of "uniforms" assignment
-highlight at least 10 power words you have added from the list given to you

3.) Read
-the new book of the week "The Fortress of Kaspar Snit" 


*We used the netbooks for our lesson blended learning.
*We discussed some insightful concepts about "villans and heroes and symbolism" introduced in the new book we will read this week.
*Many of us presented out Model Student project today, which were filmed and will be shown to the class this week!