Tuesday, 15 April 2014



1.) Reflection
-reflect on the reading response returned to you today
-How will you "bump-up" your mark?
-What will you focus on for this week's reading response?
-it should be at least 1 paragraph (keep this reflection in your reading log)

2.) Math
-online practice of Area and Perimeter

3.) Read
-continue reading your book of the week 
-prepare to write a response due Thursday

4.) Science Assignment
-if you have not yet handed in your bike assignment, make sure you do so by tomorrow 
-scroll down to "Activity 3"


*We discussed how to "bump up" marks with our reading responses to ensure we are making meaningful connections to the books we read. 
*We had a pop quiz about area and perimeter to see what we need to focus on in our new math unit. 
*We went to the Book Bank and heard a story about a mask that captured the spirit of a fallen tree. 
*We played soccer, gymnastics, and badminton in gym. 
*Some of us received the uniforms ordered, the next delivery will come soon. We will have to start wearing uniforms on May 1st!! There is still time to order through the parent council. 

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