Wednesday, 30 April 2014



1.) Math (STEM) 
-complete "Drafting of Bicycle Parking Lot" 

2.) Writing Conventions
-complete edits and rewrite sentences (on the sheet)

3.) Read

4.) Wear your uniform (if you have it already) tomorrow!


*We discussed the importance of writing with proper spelling and grammar so that readers can understand our ideas clearly. 
*We connected our learning in math to our STEM project (Science Technology Engineering Math). 
*We practiced the method of answering word problems by always highlighting and understanding key words. 
*We learned our Project Engage placements, our first session will be THIS Friday!

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Restorative Practices


1.) Math
-pg. 333 #1-3
-math notebook will be collected and checked tomorrow for homework completion
-Area/Perimeter Quiz on Friday

2.) Reading Response
-have your parents sign the response that was returned to you today 
-reading response about "The Giver" due on Friday 


*We discussed the reading response handed back today and how to bump up our grades. 
*We completed the School Climate Surveys. 
*We had a Restorative Circle about how to help a friend who is feeling depressed. Make sure you always talk to an adult or a teacher about ways to help this friend! 

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Jump Rope!


1.) Reading
-complete the following questions in full sentences:
-Before the Book (The Giver) Activities
       #3.) What if you were allowed to read only books chosen for you? How would that make you                 feel?
       #4.) Does your family have schedules, rituals, or routines that are followed daily? What are                 they? List your family schedule for a typical day. List three family rituals you have. 
        #5.) What happens in your home when rules are not obeyed? What happens at school                       when rules are not obeyed? What happens in society when rules are not obeyed? 
       #6.) Describe a place you have visited where you felt stupid or strange. 
       #7.) How far back can you remember? Describe your earliest memory. 
       #8.) With the help of your family draw you family tree. Why is it important to know your family                roots?

2.) Read 
-continue reading your own book

3.) Complete unfinished homework from the weekend (Journal and Science questions) 


*We discussed the concepts of utopia and dystopia in preparation of the new book we will read in class called, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. Try not to go ahead and read the book without us!
*We started our rectangle math art with the perimeter/area investigation. 
*We got new jump ropes for the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser! Feel free to continue bringing in donations! 
***Ms. Mok will be away at a workshop tomorrow. Ultimate frisbee try-outs will still go on afterschool, I will be back by then.***

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Jump Rope for Heart on Tues!


1.) Math
-complete the "Area and Perimeter Investigation" from this morning
-draw the accurate measurements of the rectangles on the grid paper
-we will be making math art with these rectangles
-due on Tues

2.) Journal
-at least 2 entries 
-journals will be checked on Tues
-possible journal topics are:

"What do you think of......People polluting the environment?
                                          Having set rules to follow? (At school, at home, at the pool etc.) 
                                          What the world will be like when you grow up?"

3.) Science
-research questions due on Tues 
-see yesterday's (Wed) post for more details
-when you are on the City of Toronto website (look under pg. 11 and pg. 68 of the document)

4.) Read

5.) Bring in Jump Rope for Heart donations for Tues!


*We reviewed perimeter and area this morning, for an upcoming art project and to practice measuring dimensions for our bicycle parking lot project. 
*We went onto the netbooks to answer a survey about the school. 
*We played ultimate frisbee outside for gym. 

Congratulations to Chrispin and Taharim for earning the top points on Class Dojo this week!!!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

$4 for tomorrow!


1.) Finish Math quiz
-make corrections from the area and perimeter pop quiz 
-complete the back side (draw more than 1 shape with an area between 40-50 cm sq)

2.) Science
-questions due on Tues
-visit the city of Toronto planning website to help with your research

Bicycle Parking Lot Research Questions (at least 3 paragraphs)

i.) Explain where to locate the parking garage/parking lot (at an intersection) as well as the garage/parking lot structure (is it vertical or underground). 

ii.) Explain the connection to the street scape (ie. Where will the entry/access point be located on the surface of the parking structure? What will it look like? What are the dimensions/measurements?) 

3.) Reading response due tomorrow 
-at least one page/single-spaced or at least two pages/double-spaced

4.) Bring your Jump Rope for Heart donations in tomorrow (at least $4.00) and get a prize!!!


*We reviewed area and perimeter using the iPads and coloured tiles. 
*We used "ThinkMarks" to help us think of meaningful comments to write about in our reading responses. 
*We talked more about our science project and shared ideas about what our structures will look like. 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014



1.) Reflection
-reflect on the reading response returned to you today
-How will you "bump-up" your mark?
-What will you focus on for this week's reading response?
-it should be at least 1 paragraph (keep this reflection in your reading log)

2.) Math
-online practice of Area and Perimeter

3.) Read
-continue reading your book of the week 
-prepare to write a response due Thursday

4.) Science Assignment
-if you have not yet handed in your bike assignment, make sure you do so by tomorrow 
-scroll down to "Activity 3"


*We discussed how to "bump up" marks with our reading responses to ensure we are making meaningful connections to the books we read. 
*We had a pop quiz about area and perimeter to see what we need to focus on in our new math unit. 
*We went to the Book Bank and heard a story about a mask that captured the spirit of a fallen tree. 
*We played soccer, gymnastics, and badminton in gym. 
*Some of us received the uniforms ordered, the next delivery will come soon. We will have to start wearing uniforms on May 1st!! There is still time to order through the parent council. 

Monday, 14 April 2014

Book Bank Tomorrow


1.) Math
-get your math test signed by your parents
-retest on Thursday if you wish to bump up your mark

2.) Read
-continue reading/begin your new book of the week
-we will be going to the book bank tomorrow if you did not find a book in the library
-a new reading response will be due by Thursday (you do not have to finish the book)

3.) Class Dojo
-sign into your account and change your avatar! 
-please see me tomorrow if you are having trouble logging into your account 


*We wrote reflections about our math tests. 
*We had an art lesson (mixed media) with Ms. Evans. 
*We discussed how to safely handle the tools and materials for our building project. \
*We exchanged books in the library. 
*We reset all the bubbles on Class Dojo today... who will collect the top points this week??

Friday, 11 April 2014

Geometry Test


1.) Journal
-write at least 2 pages (double-sided/single-spaced) 
-make sure to use the "Journal Checklist" we copied down today
-pick a journal topic (see the journal tab above) or another other topic of your choice

2.) Read
-pick a new book for next week
-reading response will be assigned next week


*We wrote our geometry test today, it will be the end of the geometry unit!
*We discussed cyber-bullying and what it looks like, how to stop it, and when to report it (ALWAYS!). 
*We practiced for the ultimate frisbee team try-outs. Bring your form if you want to play! 
*Congratulations to Sherry for earning 20 points on class dojo this week!!! 

Check out the photos below to get a head start on the new science project this weekend! Start with the research, all the building will have to be done in class. Have a great weekend!!


Thursday, 10 April 2014

Ultimate Frisbee


1.) Math Test tomorrow
-the following will be on the test:
           *measuring and drawing angles
           *drawing triangles
           *describing angles, triangles, 3D shapes 

-practice at home:
          *draw triangle OPQ, OP is 7.8 cm, angle O is 80 degrees
          *draw angle M= 134 degrees 

2.) Science assignment due tomorrow
-find "activity 3"

3.) Read
-conferences will continue tomorrow 


*We reviewed what will be on the geometry test tomorrow and made nets in math.
*We went over what makes a good paragraph in language. 
*We continued conferencing with Ms. Mok about our reading response book. 
*We were introduced to the sport of Ultimate Frisbee, try-outs for the Junior team will take place Mon/Wed/Fri from 3:30-4:30. Check out this highlights video we saw today!

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Community Walk


1.) Math
-complete the following "Show what you know" review questions for the test of Fri (extension)
-pg. 106 #1,3, 7, 9
-complete the following questions for extra practice:
-draw: triangle LMN, LM is 5.5 cm, angle L is 45 degrees
           triangle OPQ, OP is 9.7 cm, angle O is 70 degrees

2.) Read your new book of the week
-conferences continue this week 


*We reviewed and practiced questions to prepare for the geometry test, which has been moved to Friday. 
*We played games online on the iPads to get extra practice.
*We were introduced to our new science design challenge of building a bicycle parking lot. 
*We went on a community walk to decide where the best place would be to put the parking lot. 

Tuesday, 8 April 2014



1.) Math
-pg. 100 #1, 2, 4, 5 
-online practice matching nets to solids (lots of great games!)

2.) Vocabulary
-with the 5 new words you found in your new book of the week, write a sentence for each word showing you know the meaning (not the definition)
-bring the "just right" book you are reading this week to conference with Ms. Mok

3.) Science 
-assignment due on Fri.
-scroll down to see "Activity 3"


*We reviewed nets and solids in math.
*We met with Ms. Mok individually to share our new "just right" book for the week.
*We played dodgeball and ultimate frisbee in gym. 
*We are hoping to have an extra gym period outside tomorrow!

Monday, 7 April 2014

Jump Rope for Heart


1.) Math:
-complete unfinished homework from the weekend if it is not yet finished
-pg. 96-96 #1, 3, 4, 5, 6
-complete the following questions in your notebook:
          -draw: triangle ABC, angle A is 30 degrees, line BC is 6.5 cm 
          -draw: triangle DEF, angle D is 60 degrees, line EF is 8.2 cm
          -due tomorrow
-Geometry Test on Thursday

2.) Read
-read for at least 30 minutes
-you will be conferencing with Ms. Mok about your reading book this week

3.) Science
-assignment due on Friday
-following this link and review the slideshow we discussed today
-scroll down to see "activity #3"


*We reviewed how to draw angles in triangles.
*We will have a Geometry Test on Thursday.
*We saw the Jump Rope for Heart assembly this morning, the event will be on April 22nd. 
*We reviewed simple machines. 

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Class Dojo Begins Again


1.) Read
-read at least half of the new book you will be writing a reading response 
-begin making notes (on lined-paper or on post-it notes) for your reading response
-bring reading book to school tomorrow (and everyday)
-reading response is due on Friday


*We learned how to draw angles using a protractor. 

Follow this link to see the steps from this morning's lesson 

Watch this video that we could not see on the iPads because it uses flash

*We continued with our guided writing sessions.
*We made appointments to talk to our nurses Ms. Maria and Mr. Alpie tomorrow.
*We started Class Dojo again! Our top earning student today was GOGIGAN! Congratulations!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Online Protractor


1.) Math
-online quiz due tomorrow
-write down the questions and your answers in your math notebook 
-find 3 examples of each angle in your home: (obtuse, right, acute)
-write your answers in your notebook (for example, obtuse angles= basket...)

2.) Read
-take notes while you are reading your new book of the week
-reading response/letter to Ms. Mok due Friday


*We practiced measuring angles using protractors and online protractors. Check out this website to practice
*We looked at how paragraphs should have one idea only.