Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Taking good care of our belongings


1.) Language- complete cut and paste paragraph scramble
-read each phrase
-cut out the phrases and place in the appropriate section
-be ready to discuss the paragraph tomorrow in class

2.) Science- research about the lungs (go onto for more information) 
-write a paragraph of 5-7 sentences on ONE TOPIC about the lungs 
-some examples about what to focus on are: what the lung looks like, what it does, how to keep it healthy, diseases that affect the lungs, other organ systems connected to the lungs
-be ready to share your paragraph with the class tomorrow 

3.) Book Talk assignment- finish reading the book and begin working on the report


*We had indoor recess all day because of the extreme wind chill! 
*We play multiplication bingo.
*We had a restorative circle to talk about why we should take care of our own belongings, and more importantly belongings that we share as a class and with the school. 

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