Thursday, 30 January 2014

Happy Lunar New Year!


1.) Math
-play the cootie catcher we made in class to practice the names of 2D shapes
-there may be a pop quiz coming up next week!

2.) Spelling
-study science words for our test tomorrow

3.) Writing
-write or type out your draft of "Why we should/should not wear uniforms"

4.) Book Report
-write at least 250 words for the book report of "The Nose from Jupiter" due tomorrow


*We watched a Lion Dance parade through our school! 
*We talked about what makes an effective persuasive piece of writing.
*We worked on our science project (the due date has been extended for Monday)
*We went to the library to exchange our books. 

***I will be away tomorrow for Lunar New Year! Have a Happy Lunar New Year!***

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Away Tomorrow


1.) Math
-pg. 230 #1-3
-make math test corrections (in another colour)

2.) Spelling
-study for test on Friday

3.) Journal
-write 1 page (single spaced) reflecting on what you will work on tomorrow for your project, what you have worked on today, what changes you may need to do for your project

4.) Science
-bring in materials for your project
-due on Friday (please speak to me if you feel you cannot complete the project on time)

*We debated the topic of wearing uniforms for our next persuasive writing assignment.
*We continued with coordinate systems and drawing various polygons.
*We worked more on our science project in the afternoon. 
*We played floor hockey in gym. 

***Note: I will be away tomorrow, my friend Ms. K will be supplying for me. Show her your best behaviour!*** 

Monday, 27 January 2014

New TVs


1.) Math
-battleship game about coordinates
-visit to play the game that practices reading coordinates

2.) Spelling
-study all science words for test on Friday
-write out misspelled words 10X each

3.) Science
-bring project materials to school

4.) Read
-at least the next 20 pages of "The Nose From Jupiter"
-bring your book to school everyday this week

*We used iPads to practice reading coordinates on a grid system.
*We worked on our science projects.
*We had music.
*We got a new TV installed in our room.... we will talk more about this tomorrow!

Thursday, 23 January 2014

P.A. Day Tomorrow!


1.) Read "The Nose From Jupiter" 
-up to chapter 6 (pg. 45)
-be prepared to discuss the reading on Mon.

2.) Spelling
-test of all science words next Fri. 
-more details to follow on Mon. 
-make corrections of the last test (write each misspelled word 10x each) 

3.) Math
-pg. 228 "explore" in your math notebook


*We had our math and spelling tests today.
*We had music but did not have gym. 

**TOMORROW IS A P.A. DAY: Enjoy your long weekend!**

Wednesday, 22 January 2014



1.) Math
-go to our blended learning site
-read the "content" and answer the questions in the "assignment" tab
-you do not have to hand-in the questions in the "content" tab
-study for test tomorrow

2.) Spelling
-study for test tomorrow

3.) Book Report
-due tomorrow
-it must be at least 250 words (1 page single-space)
-you can type it on the computer or hand-write the report
-include your opinions and feelings about being a part of this program/reading this book


*We fortunate to use the netbooks all day, we had a math lesson through blended learning and completed more research for our Model Student project. 
*We went to the library. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Mr. Best


1.) Math
-pg. 206 #2-5 and reflect

2.) Spelling
-test on Thurs.

3.) Read
-finish reading all of "Alien Invaders" 
-begin book report if you are finished (it should be 250 words)
-click on the "DeMar DeRozan's All-Star Book Program" tab at the top of the page for more information about what to include in your book report 


*We met Mr. Best from DeMar DeRozan's book program this morning.
*We discussed more of "Alien Invaders" and how to make thoughtful inferences. 
*We continued with our Model Student science project. 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Book Program Launched


1.) Math
-complete questions on pg. 204 #3-8
-make sure to line-up the decimals when adding/subtracting 
-test on Money on Thurs

2.) Spelling
-study for test on Thurs
-you should know the definitions as well as spelling of each word

3.) Read
-read at least another 20 pages of "Alien Invaders" (Book Program)
-book report due on Thurs


*We read many interesting facts about various pests that could dangerously harm our environments. 
*We discussed how to jot down ideas on post-it notes while we read, so we can return to them when we are ready to write a book report. 
*We continued with our unit on Money.
*We talked about various Health Problems (to be tested on Thurs.)
*We played dodgeball in gym because we earned it!

Friday, 17 January 2014

DeMar's Book Club


1.) Math
-pg 203 #1,2

2.) Spelling
-3 paragraphs (due on Mon)

Spelling Words  (Test on Thursday, Jan. 23rd)

Health Problems
11.)    Asthma
22.)    Celiac disease
33.)    Anaphylaxis
44.)    spina bifida
55.)    autism
66.)    diabetes
77.)    Cerebral palsy
88.)    Epilepsy

Choose three health problems from the list above, find out more about which organ system(s) it affects and how people living with these health problems function on a daily basis. Write a paragraph for each of the three health problems. Be prepared to share your paragraphs with the class on Monday.

An egg allergy is a type of food allergy which affects a person’s immune system. The person’s body reacts to eggs. The person may have a skin rash, may not be able to breath very well, may feel stomach pains, and have a very fast heart beat. A person who has an egg allergy lives with this health problem by making sure what they eat does not have eggs or egg products in them. They have to be very careful, by reading ingredient lists and ask for what is in their meals when they go out to eat. 
3.) Book talk reflection 

4.) Read at least 20 pages of "Alien Invaders" (our first book from DeMar!)

*Some of us went to the Vision Clinic and were "angels" (from the bus driver) on the bus ride there/back and at the school. Thank you!
*Some of us who remained at school began the measurement unit on money.
*We also researched various Health Problems that affect our organ systems. 
*We got our first book from DeMar DeRozan today! More information to follow...

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Vision Clinic Tomorrow


1.) Book Talk
-write a reflection (1 page)
-talk about what you did well, what you can improve on, and feed back your peers gave

2.) Science
-write 10 facts about your Model Student project organ system
-find out how the organ system works together with other organ systems
-(ie. how does the heart work together with the lungs? what happens to your heart when you run/use your muscles?) 
-make sure you are writing the facts in your own words
-to be collected tomorrow (even if you are going to the vision clinic)

3.) Any unfinished homework from the week will be checked tomorrow


*We had our last class of multi-sports in gym.
*We learned about beats in music.

Some students will be going to the vision clinic along with other students/staff from Lord Dufferin tomorrow. They will be tested again and given a prescription at the clinic. Students parents/guardians have been informed of this trip. Make sure students bring a lunch, snack, book and work (to be given tomorrow before leaving). Please come to the classroom to take attendance first. 

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Spelling and Math Tests Tomorrow


1.) Book Talk
-reflection: check the post from Monday to see what you need to include in your reflection
-practice your presentation

2.) Spelling
-study for the test tomorrow
-make sure you know the definition of each word and where it is located in the body

3.) Math
-study for the test tomorrow
-go to the link on the side bar "Telling Time Games" for practice questions


*We learned more about the musculoskeletal system today. 
*We practiced our spelling words. 
*We practiced using the t-chart strategy to solve elapsed time problems. 
*We had a mini-Restorative Circle.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Elapsed Time Pop Quiz


1.) Book Talk
-if you have presented today, make sure you write a reflection (1 page)
-look at Monday's post for what to write about in your reflection (due tomorrow)
-if you have not yet presented, practice your presentation! 

2.) Math
-complete the "Elapsed Time" quiz online and print out your results
-*note: if you do not have access to a printer today, write out the questions/answers in your notebook*
-click here for the quiz
-due tomorrow

-click here for extra help with elapsed time
-click here to see the video we saw on Elapsed Time this morning

3.) Spelling
-study for the test on Thursday
-sentences will be collected tomorrow (this was due today but was not collected!)


*We learned about using a t-chart as a strategy to solve time elapse word problems. 
*We spent time working on our Model Student project.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Book Talks Begin


1.) Book Talk reflection (1 page)
-reflect on your presentation
-discuss how you did, the feedback given to you, and improvements you can make for next time

2.) Book Talk 
-write out what you will say on cue cards or paper
-practice your presentation 

3.) Model Student project
-research and print out information about your organ system, or take out a book from the library to bring to class tomorrow


*We began our book talks today.
*We discussed the skeletal system and related spelling test words. 
*We had multi-sports in gym.

Friday, 10 January 2014



1.) Spelling
-new spelling words were give out in class today
-write each word in a sentence that explains its' function (go to to research) 
-hand in sentences on Mon. 
-test next Thurs. Jan. 16 (change of date because of vision clinic on Fri for some students)

Spelling Words:
*ribs                        *alveoli
*skull                       *bronchioles
*clavicle                  *trachea
*spinal column       *bronchus

2.) Math
-go on to our class Blended Learning site (click on this link:
-click on "select your course" and choose "Blended Learning Mok"
-find today's post under "elapsed time assignment" and read the instructions under the "assignment" tab
-answer the questions in your math notebook
-due on Mon. 

3.) Book Talk 
-complete the opinion part of the report
-due on Mon. (to check if you are on track with this assignment)
-practice your Book Talk if you are presenting on Mon!


*We used the school's brand-new netbooks for the first time!
*We had our first math lesson through our blended learning site. 
*We discussed our science project (Model Student). Please be reminded that artwork finished outside the class for this project will not be accepted. Except for research. Use your time wisely in class to stay on track! 
*We had our Best Students of the Week!
*Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

New Table Groups


1.) Writing
-complete a paragraph (using the structure given out yesterday in class) about managing your time after school 
-use the following prompts to help you write your paragraph: 
How will you make sure you get your homework done? 
How will you make sure you read everyday? 
How will you make sure you do not watch too much TV, play video games, or go on the internet for more than 1 hour daily? 
How will you make sure you are more productive with your time after school? 
-your paragraph should be 5-7 sentences in length

2.) Book Talk
-complete a summary of your book (if you are finished this, go on and complete the other questions on the rubric) 
-we will not be presenting the summary tomorrow but I will need to see this to make sure you are on track with this assignment 


*We changed our table groups today, a new year a new start!
*We made timetables to manage our time after school so that we make better use of our time, watch less TV/video games/internet, and do our homework daily. 
*We played multi-sports in gym.
*We played on instruments in music. 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Taking good care of our belongings


1.) Language- complete cut and paste paragraph scramble
-read each phrase
-cut out the phrases and place in the appropriate section
-be ready to discuss the paragraph tomorrow in class

2.) Science- research about the lungs (go onto for more information) 
-write a paragraph of 5-7 sentences on ONE TOPIC about the lungs 
-some examples about what to focus on are: what the lung looks like, what it does, how to keep it healthy, diseases that affect the lungs, other organ systems connected to the lungs
-be ready to share your paragraph with the class tomorrow 

3.) Book Talk assignment- finish reading the book and begin working on the report


*We had indoor recess all day because of the extreme wind chill! 
*We play multiplication bingo.
*We had a restorative circle to talk about why we should take care of our own belongings, and more importantly belongings that we share as a class and with the school. 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Extreme Cold Warning

The extreme cold weather kept many students at home today, please stay updated with what you missed at school. 


1.) Complete recount of your holiday
-we started writing a recount of at least one memorable moment during our holiday break
-it needs to be a moment that was exciting, interesting, or boring retells, please!
-it should also be at least 3 paragraphs long 

2.) Book Talk assignment
-finish reading the book
-begin writing what you will be presenting by following the guidelines (rubric) given out in class, it is also posted here on the blog


*We watched "The Magic School Bus" movie about the digestive system. 

Monday, 6 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your holidays, and spent lots of time with family and friends.

We had a wonderful first day back at school. For those of you who were absent, please talk to me tomorrow about what you missed. 


1.) Letter about your New Year Resolutions
-write a letter, either to yourself, your parents, or a teacher, about your new year resolutions (promises you make for yourself to improve your school work, or your health, or your relationships) 
-it should be at least 1 page in length
-make sure you have correct spelling and proper grammar
-it will be collected tomorrow (and put in a box for us to read at the end of the year!)

2.) Bring your "Book Talk" book that you will be presenting to school 

3.) If you have a vision form, please have it signed and returned to school tomorrow


*We organized our desks, and wrote our new year resolutions.
*We played multi-sports in gym.
*We will be getting into our new table groups tomorrow.