Friday, 20 December 2013

Happy Holidays!

Thank you for bringing in all the treats! We had quite the spread at our class party! Below are a list of things to do over the holidays, if you have extra time visit the sites I've added on the sidebar (to the right)!

Homework for the Holidays:

1.) Book Talk assignment
-read a book and prepare for an oral book report when you return from the holidays
-follow the guidelines below (given out yesterday)

2.) Check the "Model Student Project" tab (at the top of this page) for details about our upcoming assignment

3.) Enjoy the snow!! Have a wonderful holiday with your friends and family... see you in 2014! :)

Book Talk Assignment

For this assignment, you will choose a book that is at least 70 pages long and appropriate to your personal reading level. You will read the book and prepare a Book Talk (oral book report) for the class.  This can be a book you are currently reading or just finished. 

3 to 4 minutes

Note cards (Needed for assistance, please do not read from them!)

Your Book Talk should include the following:

1)      The title, author, publication date of your book. You should have the book with you to show to the class.

2)      Briefly summarize the book (don’t spend too long on this) by telling who the main characters are, what the central conflict/idea is, what the important events in the book are, and what you believe the author wants readers to take from the experience of reading the book. It’s best not to reveal too much or tell the ending, especially if you are ultimately recommending the book as a good read.

3)      Introduce and then read a passage from the book. This passage should be from a significant moment in the story that describes a main character in some way, illuminates the book’s theme or central idea, represents an important point in the plot, strikingly reflects the author’s style, or foreshadows something exciting.  In other words, choose a passage that excites the imagination!

4)      Finally, tell the audience if you would recommend the book or not, and explain your three main reasons why. Use the OREO format to persuade the class why they should read the book.
Opinion: tell how you feel about the book
Reason: tell 3 reasons to support your opinion
Examples: tell examples to support your reasons
Opinion: restate your opinion about the book with feeling)

***Remember to practice your book talk out loud before the due date!!!!***

Due Date
Book Talks will begin on Friday January 10, 2014

My Book Talk Presentation is on:______________________________

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Winter Concert


1.) Holiday Concert tonight!
-it's the time to celebrate and sing! come to the gym by 6:15pm 
-wear either, red, white or green

2.) Book Talk book
-choose a book that you will be giving a presentation on in January
-it must be at least 70 pages, it must be a story that includes a beginning, middle, end as well as a problem and solution
-more details (ie. checklist and rubric) will be provided tomorrow

3.) Holiday Party tomorrow!
-please bring in a treat for our party tomorrow (nut-free!)

4.) Return vision check form
-if you got a pink form today, please have your parent sign and return the forms TOMORROW
-this is to indicate you need another appointment at Queen Alexandra, please have your parents take you there


*We had a dress rehearsal for the Holiday Concert today. 
*We had our math retest.

***Tomorrow is our last day before the holidays! One more day!*** 

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Vision Screening Today


1.) Math
-graphing retest tomorrow 
-graphing worksheet for practice

2.) Nelson Mandela 
-type/write out good copy

3.) Return all library books

4.) Pizza Lunch tomorrow for the top two table groups
-congrats to table group 3 and 4


*We all had our eyes checked today, forms will be going home to students who need a follow-up appointment.

*We had a dress rehearsal for the Holiday Concert today.

***We are participating in the Holiday Concert tomorrow night, please arrive before 6:30pm!***

Monday, 16 December 2013

Let it Snow!


1.) Spelling
-write misspelled words from the test 10X each
-get your test signed

2.) Math
-practice graphing questions (on worksheet) for retest this week (Thurs.)

3.) Reading Response


*We had our spelling retest today, most of us did very well!
*We began making our background art for our digestive system movies.
*We played in the snow! Remember to keep the snow on the ground: no snowball fights!

***Please note: Our class will be involved in the Holiday Concert on Wednesday, more details to come! Also, our class holiday party is on Thursday... please bring in treats for the class!***

Friday, 13 December 2013

#2 Class in Food Drive


1.) Math
-practice elapsed time online and play these games!
Grade 5 Elapsed Time Quiz
Practice Telling Time

2.) Spelling
-get your spelling test signed
-retest on Mon. 

3.) Writing
-write or type out a good copy of the Nelson Mandela writing piece from earlier in the week
-this will be posted on the bulletin board

4.) Reading Response


*We had a our last session of Project Engage today.
*We came in 2nd place with collecting 107 cans/boxes of food!! Thank you for your generosity!

***Have a wonderful weekend!***

Thursday, 12 December 2013



1.) Spelling
-study words for tomorrow's test

2.) Science
-complete the storyboard with your digestive system creative story (yesterday's homework)
-we will be making an imovie tomorrow in class with it


*We recorded our stories on the iPads today.
*We played on instruments in music. 

***FOOD DRIVE: We are in the lead in the junior division for collecting the most non-perishable foods, but there is still ONE MORE DAY to bring in food. Please remember to donate if you haven't already!!***

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Food Drive Collection


1.) Math
-elapsed time sheet

2.) Spelling
-practice spelling words (Digestive and Nervous Systems)
-write a creative story pretending you are a tomato (or any other food) going through Mr. Crossdale's (or another person) digestive system! 
-the story should be written in your journal and at least 2 pages long


*We learned more about the digestive system playing a game.
*We played on instruments in music. 

***Friday is the last day to bring in canned goods for our food drive!!***

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Blended Learning Introduction


1.) Spelling
-practice list of words given yesterday
-review digestive system words (go onto Blended Learning or

2.) Science
-go onto Blended Learning website (choose "Blended Learning Mok" course) or go to if you cannot log on
-write 5 interesting facts about the brain that we have not already discussed in class in your journal


*We logged into our new Blended Learning website.
 If you lost the instructions, visit this site: Blended Learning
 User name= your student number
 Password= melissa 
 Change the password to make a new password. 
 If you have followed all these steps and you cannot log in, please let me know tomorrow. 

*We were filmed by the TDSB Safe&Caring Schools representatives today. We did an excellent job speaking confidently in front of the camera! Good job Grade 5s! 

* We started a new unit in writing on persuasive writing. 

***FOOD DRIVE: We have until Friday to collect as many non-perishable foods!***

Monday, 9 December 2013

Tribute to Nelson Mandela


1.) Spelling
-nervous system: write an imaginary conversation between the brain parts (cerebrum, cerebellum, thalamus, brain stem) explaining the function between each part 
-1 page
-check out this link for the video we watched in class: How the Brain Works

2.) Journal
-answer the question in your journal with proper spelling and grammar (2-3 paragraphs)
-"Why is Nelson Mandela considered a hero?"
-check out this link for the video we watched in class: Nelson Mandela Biography
-check out this link for information about his life: Nelson Mandela Biography for Kids


*We had a practice Restorative Circle with Ms. Baltazar for our filming tomorrow. 
*We will be learning about the Nervous System and the Digestive System this week.
*We discussed the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela.

***We will be filmed tomorrow morning for a TDSB Restorative Circles video. Look sharp!!***

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Food Drive


1.) Reading response

2.) Science
-go to (click on "How the Body Works")
-choose one body system (heart/circulatory, stomach/digestive, brain/nervous, bones/musculoskeletal)
-find 10 keywords related to the body system you chose
-write the definition for each word on a lined piece of paper

3.) Science Assignment 
-refer to Monday's post for more details
-due Monday

4.) Math
-Graphing Test tomorrow

5.) Social Studies
-retest on Monday 


*We had our 3rd Project Engage session this morning.
*We researched body systems on the iPads.
*We had a special assembly and music in the afternoon. 

***Bring in canned goods and non-perishable foods for the FOOD DRIVE!!!****

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Project Engage Tomorrow (instead of Friday)


1.) Math
-complete questions on pg. 196 #1-5 including "Reflect"
-reminder: Graphing Test is on FRI (correction)

2.) Writing
-complete final draft/good copy "Recount of Outside Learning Experiences" 

3.) Science
-assignment due on MON

4.) Social Studies
-retest on MON


*We gave final peer edits to our recount assignment due tomorrow.
*We discussed different units of measure and focused on time (seconds and minutes). 
*We had gym and music in the afternoon. 

***FOOD DRIVE: Bring in canned goods for the food drive! We can win a prize if we bring in the most cans!!***

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Ms. Mok away in the PM


1.) Reading Response

2.) Rough draft of "Outside Classroom Experiences" recount
-due tomorrow so we can peer edit
-good copy will be written in class after it has been peer edited

3.) Social Studies test corrections
-write correct answers for each answer in a different coloured pencil or pen
-due tomorrow (it will be collected)
-retest date to be decided 

4.) Science Assignment 
-due next Mon. 


*We practiced reading thermometers and calculating elapsed time in math.
*We began our rough draft of the recount in language.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Officer Lynn Visit


1.) Reading Response

2.) Study for Graphing Test (on FRI)

3.) Science Assignment (due MON.)

Submit your completed work, along with your classmates' comments, to your teacher.
  1. Write a response to the following four statements: stating whether or not your agree with them and why or why not.

    Air pollution and smog have a serious effect on your health.

    Advertisers never care about people's health.

    Technology is helping us to become healthier.

    Factories and businesses are careful not to hurt the environment and take care of the people who work for them.
  2. Exchange your paper with two classmates. Do you disagree with anything? If yes, why? Do you have any questions or comments? Can you add anything? Sign your name beside your comments.
Important. When your teacher returns your work, keep it as you will use it again 


*We met Officer Lynn today and talked about internet safety. 

***Note: I will be away in the afternoon tomorrow for a workshop.***